Saturday, August 15, 2009

Movie review on the The Final Destination 4 (2009) - Watch Now

I totally freaked out when I saw the trailer that movie and that's because I really enjoy watching Final Destination. It is true that the first one was the best but I don't think that this one is going to be worse than FD 2 &3, so I am defiantly going to see it and I promise to do an review on it later. The only thing that boders me is that the film will be in 3D. Not that I don't enjoy watching 3D movies but it is the pain in my eyes afterwards that kills my amusement. Anyway... I am really inpatient to see this movie. What about you?

Plot Summary: On what should have been a fun-filled day at the races, Nick O'Bannon has a horrific premonition in which a bizarre sequence of events causes multiple race cars to crash, sending flaming debris into the stands, brutally killing his friends and causing the upper deck of the stands to collapse on him. When he comes out of this grisly nightmare Nick panics, persuading his girlfriend, Lori, and their friends, Janet and Hunt, to leave... escaping seconds before Nick's frightening vision becomes a terrible reality. Thinking they've cheated death, the group has a new lease on life, but unfortunately for Nick and Lori, it is only the beginning. As his premonitions continue and the crash survivors begin to die one-by-one--in increasingly gruesome ways--Nick must figure out how to cheat death once and for all before he, too, reaches his final destination. The film marks the latest in the highly popular "Final Destination" series, and its first 3D installment, giving horror fans an especially visceral thrill ride.

Watch now on


harika said...

Nice Blog

Unknown said...

The final destination 4 really good movie) the best part of all final destination. Want to recommend my favourite site with free and in HD quality this movie. watch here